Monday, November 12, 2012

It's Broccoli's Time to Shine!

Broccoli is good to eat all year long but the holiday season kicks its popularity up a notch. The holiday season + cooler weather=the perfect excuse to make Broccoli Casserole.

Click here for my "cheater" version of Broccoli Casserole.

I have a better version with ingredients that are all made from scratch. I haven't gotten around to posting it yet. For that version it's best to plan ahead a little bit so you can make cream of mushroom soup and real cheese sauce instead of the "gloopy" canned stuff. The wholesome version still adds calories but has no unnecessary chemicals and other crap. In the meantime, check out the cheater version. 

Cooked Broccoli that's ready for some casserole action!

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