Friday, September 15, 2023

Restaurant Review: Spring Creek Barbeque


The BBQ joint that used to be better. I don't know....20 or 30 years ago? We visited Spring Creek recently because of a brisket craving, and... 

MISTAKE. MISTAKE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. I can't hold back on this one.

Seriously...we would have had a better BBQ meal if we had gone to H.E.B. and picked up a pre-cooked brisket and sides. There definitely would have been more bang for the buck with that option.

It seems to be the bane of many BBQ restaurants these days. They make the BBQ, which may or may not be good caliber, then serve it with pre-made sides and watery BBQ sauce. If the BBQ is of good caliber, you know you can just skip the sides & order a pound or two. 

I wouldn't even recommend that here. The brisket was okay, but not "it's so freakin' good I could eat two pounds of it all by myself without anything else and be happy as a clam" caliber brisket. 

Spring Creek, 

WTH??!!  Please don't claim you represent Texas BBQ. It's an embarrassment. Nothing but BS on the website too. Yeah, I know, you can't expect it to look just like the pictures...blah blah blah...we are way beyond that. 

Potato salad soup, Anyone?

How about some canned green beans?

What is the deal with the lame rolls? 

Where is the smoke ring on the brisket? Was it smoked in an oven?

How in the world can you serve food like this and charge such insane prices and not be ashamed? 

I guess it stopped being about the BBQ long, long ago and love of $$$ took over. 

You really can serve better quality food and still make a profit. 

Instead, we get all of the bells and whistles, and ads proclaiming BBQ greatness, but it is all a lie. It's simply a restaurant skating on longevity to bring customers in. They have been around for SUCH A LONG TIME...surely they must be good, right? 

Nope. Not this time. Somewhere along the way, they lost the magic. 

The food was packed with military precision. Brisket snuggled under its blanket of foil, sides in separate containers with lids to prevent leakage. If the food was as great as the way it was packed, they'd be in great shape! 

On the other hand, that's a lot of unnecessary containers. It is BBQ, for Pete's sake! Load that plate up using the separate compartments as intended. Forget about a "space blanket" for the brisket. The only thing in danger is the bread, which needs to be protected from moisture until the food is about to be consumed. None of that other ridiculous rigamarole! BBQ is supposed to be a little bit messy. People will learn not to tilt the plate and end up with mixed food. Let them learn. It builds character. 

It always saddens me to have to apply the mango forks, but Spring Creek definitely deserves them for their BBQ scam. 

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